Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Maj Gen (retd) Rashid Qureshi childish Comment

Responding to the allegation of Lt. Gen(retd) Jamshaid Gulzar Kyani on his MAIRAY MUTABIQ interview, the LEARNED AND COMPETENT General has remarked something interesting and childish.

Qureshi said that recently the retired general tried to be in the limelight, but when failed, he came up with this drama saying that chemical weapons were used in the Lal Masjid operation. He corrected that white phosphorus grenades were used to create smoke to enable the soldiers move inside the premises. He termed the allegation of using chemical weapons as a white lie. “What a nonsense that a retired soldier could not differentiate between chemical weapons and phosphorous grenades. The retired general in fact needs a new course to know the difference between the two,” Qureshi said.
Some googling found out tht who is the liar upfront.

White phosphorus can cause injuries and death in three ways: by burning deep into tissue, by being inhaled as a smoke and by being ingested. Extensive exposure in any way can be fatal.

Incandescent particles of WP cast off by a WP weapon's initial explosion can produce extensive, deep (second and third degree), burns. Phosphorus burns carry a greater risk of mortality than other forms of burns due to the absorption of phosphorus into the body through the burned area, resulting in liver, heart and kidney damage, and in some cases multi-organ failure.These weapons are particularly dangerous to exposed people because white phosphorus continues to burn unless deprived of oxygen or until it is completely consumed. In some cases, burns may be limited to areas of exposed skin because the smaller WP particles do not burn completely through personal clothing before being consumed. According to, quoted by The Guardian, "White phosphorus results in painful chemical burn injuries"


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