Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Flour Crisis ..

I was listening to all this flour and wheat crisis for days. Was thinking that what to write, from where to start but i was not getting one clear clue that whom can i point to. Is this Govt. doing it or is this our own deeds that is coming hard on us?

When there was need of wheat in the country, they started sending it over to Afghanistan and negiboring countries for quick bucks. But, we , silly nation... we go on supporting them all, go on dying for them..get slaughtered...get blown..and what not. Y not we once stand against the hard truths and face the music. Y not we all start to think that we are all pakistanis!!!

I was in this crazy world for days..something is burning down in my sole...but then i came across this wonderfully written article... I thought.. Hey!! Something is Wrong with me!!!


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